Committed Action Worksheet in ACT for OCD


Independent practice, Kate Morrison LLC, Sandy, Utah

Key Points

  1. Set home practice goals specifically focused on committed action.
  2. Review treatment goals and assess their progress with ACT.

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Committed Action Worksheet in  ACT for OCD

At the end of session eight, you are going to want to set homework just as you have in all the other sessions.

Committed Action Worksheet in  ACT for OCD

And what I use as a guide for the homework for the committed action section is called a Guide to Your Action Plan.    The worksheet contains the "fork in the road" image that we discussed before, and I walk through an example with clients filling out each of these components that are listed on this image.

Committed Action Worksheet in  ACT for OCD

The first step is to say what their specific goal is. So, this is the committed action, the behavioral commitment that they are making, the step that they are going to be taking. Then you identify the value that that is working towards. So, listing that as number two, the option that's on the bright, shiny hill off in the distance. And the way it's phrased on the worksheet is that this goal is important to me because blank.   And then three lists out the thoughts, memories, feelings, sensations, urges, obsessions that might make it hard to reach that goal.

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