The Inflexahex Worksheet for ACT: A Tool to Explore Psychological Inflexibility and to Guide Interventions

Daniel J. Moran, Ph.D.

MidAmerican Psychological Institute
Pickslyde Consulting

Key Points

  1. The Inflexahex worksheet can be used for documenting client issues to develop treatment plans.
  2. It can be filled with examples of the person’s repertoire that lead to inflexibility.
  3. The Inflexahex worksheet is a powerful tool for ACT case conceptualization.

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The Inflexahex Worksheet for ACT: A Tool to Explore Psychological Inflexibility and to Guide Interventions

In this training for Acceptance and Commitment Therapy case conceptualization, we’ll look at the entire Inflexahex worksheet again this time for review. And we’ll also look at an example on how it can be used.

The Inflexahex Worksheet for ACT: A Tool to Explore Psychological Inflexibility and to Guide Interventions

By now, hopefully, you went through all the trainings for each point of the hexagon and you are familiar with these areas of inflexibility – experiential avoidance, cognitive fusion, attachment to the conceptualized self, persistent inactivity, impulsivity and avoidance, lack of values clarity and dominance by pliance, tracking or problematic augmenting and dominating concept of the past or feared future.

The Inflexahex Worksheet for ACT: A Tool to Explore Psychological Inflexibility and to Guide Interventions

The entire Inflexahex worksheet can be used for documenting the client’s issues and then we can utilize such notes to develop treatment plans. The whole point of the Inflexahex worksheet is to help the clinician track what is being said and done by the client that is emblematic of inflexibility. As therapists begin to understand the ACT model better, it becomes simpler to see and hear when the client is engaging in language or actions that demonstrate an inflexible and clinically relevant repertoire. In the upcoming trainings, you will see clinical vignettes, you will experience a clinician and a client talking to each other. And then take a closer look at how the Inflexahex worksheet is completed.

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