The Inflexahex Model and ACT: Six Converse Dyads to Understand Psychological Inflexibility

Daniel J. Moran, Ph.D.

MidAmerican Psychological Institute
Pickslyde Consulting

Key Points

  1. Solid ACT case conceptualization needs to have a perspective of the concerns that lead to inflexibility.
  2. There are six converse dyads that we should look at:
    1. Acceptance: Experiential avoidance
    2. Defusion: Cognitive fusion
    3.  Self as context: Attachment to the conceptualized self.
    4. Committed action: Persistent inaction, impulsivity or avoidance.
    5. Values: Unclear values or domination by pliance, tracking and augmenting.
    6. Contact with the present moment: Dominating concept of the past or the future and weak self-knowledge.

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The Inflexahex Model and ACT: Six Converse Dyads to Understand Psychological Inflexibility

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