ACT for Binge Eating and Anxiety: A Clinical Case


Private Practice, Santa Barbara

Key Points

  1. The client met the DSM-5 criteria for binge eating disorder.
  2. In an objective binge episode, the client feels a loss of control over their eating and eats a large amount of food in a short period, more rapidly than average, past fullness, and in such a way that they feel guilt and remorse about it.
  3. It’s essential to consider the contextual and historical factors while conducting a diagnostic formulation.

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Client Presentation

When starting with ACT, it can feel like there are so many different moving parts. It’s normal to feel that, so just go with the flow. It’s like learning a dance, so you learn different steps separately, but by the end you have a sense of how it all fits together, and can dance it.

Bearing in mind that identifying information has been changed, this compilation client is a 28-year-old, Mexican-American, cisgender, heterosexual male, living with roommates in Santa Barbara, California. He is a senior in college majoring in biology.

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