Exposure Treatment: Approaching Traumatic Memories From an ACT Perspective


Booz Allen
Department of Veterans Affairs
Yale University
University of Nevada, Reno

Key Points

  1. ACT incorporates exposure exercises with a focus on increasing psychological flexibility and valued living.
  2. Private experiences and bodily sensations can be approached with willingness rather than avoidance.
  3. Defusion methods change the response to troubling thoughts, and exposure practices help them move forward.
  4. Exposure exercises can be any opportunity to practice approaching a situation that’s usually avoided.
  5. Practicing willingness and defusion broadens the behavioral repertoire.

ACT for Trauma Online Training

Expand your ACT tools to treat clients experiencing PTSD and trauma issues.

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Exposure Treatment: Approaching Traumatic Memories From an ACT Perspective

ACT Online Training

ACT for Trauma: PTSD and Beyond (8 CE Credits)

This course is 8:15 solid hours of an ACT expert explaining, in an easy-to-learn format, the essentials of how to care for clients with trauma-related issues and PTSD.